Test driving the DesignSpark PCB design tool

Since the widespread commercial use of the transistor, electronics minded people have assembled their circuits on a printed circuit board (PCB). Even if the circuits are increasingly complex, PCB design is actually becoming easier thanks to the availability of efficient design tools in the CAD realms. Whereas ten years ago CAD software to accomplish serious PCB design was beyond the reach of many, today you can download some of these tools for free on the internet. Often these tools are free but with limitations of some kind in terms of board size, number of components or file exporting. By contrast, a recently launched product called DesignSpark PCB has no restrictions, says the supplier RS Components (in the USA: Allied Electronics).
As an Elektor reader you’re probably aware that we design a lot of PCBs and we know you're doing the same. So there’s a good reason to try RS Components’ new PCB software to see what it's worth. Is it powerful enough to adopt it? We installed the latest version of the software on a computer and took out DesignSpark for a test drive. Our findings may be found on the Elektor Embedded Blogspot.

More info

RS Components DesignSpark on Elektor Embedded BlogspotRS Components DesignSpark homepageAllied Electronics

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